Henry P. Clough Computer Lab

Henry P. Clough Computer Lab


Welcome to my blog! I hope that this can be a place for interactive communication for both parents and students. It is my goal to share news about advances in technology, updates about activities in our technology classroom, as well as great websites that I may come across. I also hope however, that as parents and students you will share with me websites and/or software and hardware that you are familiar with and know that kids love!

As you come across new tech tools, please use this as a place to share! I will also be posting sites, videos, and articles I think you and your child may enjoy.

I’m looking forward to another fantastic school year and as always working as partners to advance our children in the 21st century. Remember to visit my website for further information about our computer lab at the Henry P. Clough Elementary School.

Ms. Jordan

MURSD~ Elementary Technology Specialist

Monday, March 9, 2015

What have we been up to?

There have been so many exciting things happening in our classroom.

Kindergarten - Students in kindergarten have been working on many basic computer skills such as the following:
Logging on
Logging off
Basic computer terms
Opening up a folder
Opening up a file
Proper hand positioning on the mouse
Controlling the mouse by clicking and dragging
Closing out a program
Internet Safety ( Netsmartz)
Learning how to navigate a website (Ms. Jordan's website)

We have been primarily using the Paint program as well as the two familiar website listed above.
We are now moving on to working further with shapes using our Investigation Math software, called ShapesII. Students will first explore this software then create patterns and animals using the shapes provided. This not only connects to their classroom curriculum but also helps with many of the technology skills they will need to be successful!

Grade 1 - Students in grade one have also been using the Paint Program also, however,  they have been creating plant diagrams to show how a plant grows from a seed to a plant. They are learning how to use all the drawing tools along with labeling their diagrams. They are coming out great!  We will be moving on to using Kid Pix and discussing patterns such as ABA patterns in the next few classes.

Grade 2 - Students in grade 2 are using the software program Kid Pix. This is a stepping stone to using a slideshow program like PowerPoint. Kid Pix is a fun drawing/slide show program where students draw pictures or use templates and then include sound and animation. They will even be including their own voice. In the end, students will learn how to use the slideshow portion of this software to create their own slide show!

Grade 3 - Student in grade 3 have wrapped up using Microsoft Word to create an Acrostic Poem which includes the use of borders, background colors, varying fonts sizes and colored fonts as well as clipart. Once completed, student will be moving on to using Excel where they will create their own surveys and collect data to create their own unique graphs.

Grade 4 - Students in grade 4 have just wrapped up using Microsoft Word to type up a poem using the home row. They were able to incorporate their own clipart and choose the font style and color of their choice. We are now moving on to PowerPoint. Students will be required to complete an 11 slide PowerPoint revolving around one of the 50 states. During this project students will learn how to properly and safely do internet research as well as siting sources.

We have a lot left to do and learn in our technology classes and I can't wait to see all their finished projects! Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~ Ms. Jordan

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