Henry P. Clough Computer Lab

Henry P. Clough Computer Lab


Welcome to my blog! I hope that this can be a place for interactive communication for both parents and students. It is my goal to share news about advances in technology, updates about activities in our technology classroom, as well as great websites that I may come across. I also hope however, that as parents and students you will share with me websites and/or software and hardware that you are familiar with and know that kids love!

As you come across new tech tools, please use this as a place to share! I will also be posting sites, videos, and articles I think you and your child may enjoy.

I’m looking forward to another fantastic school year and as always working as partners to advance our children in the 21st century. Remember to visit my website for further information about our computer lab at the Henry P. Clough Elementary School.

Ms. Jordan

MURSD~ Elementary Technology Specialist

Thursday, October 10, 2013

SRI and SMI Testing - Grades 2, 3 and 4

During the past two weeks, students in grades 2, 3 and 4 have been participating in the SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) test and the SMI (Scholastic Math Inventory) test. These tests are used by our teaching staff to monitor a child's progress in both math and reading throughout the course of the school year. Students participate in these tests 3 times a year and they are done on the computer to help student also prepare for future computerized tests. If  you would like to learn more about the tests themselves, please click on the links below. If you have specific questions about the test results, please contact your child's teacher directly.

Lexile Overview Video
Quantile Map
Quantile Overview Video
Barnes and Noble -Find Books by Lexile Reading Level